An April Fool’s Spring (April)

A bud breaks out from the trunk of a tree! Spring is here!!!

It’s April. You’d think spring had decided to stay for good. As it turns out, winter was not willing to let go yet. During the first Sunday of the month (3 Apr), winter weather decided to pay us another visit. Thankfully, it didn’t continue to snow for very long into the month.

My attempt at homemade, freezer-friendly “Egg McMuffins.”

The weather was at least kind enough for me to easily meet up with many people to try many different foods — as well as make some of my own. For the first time in my life — yes, seriously — I had a pulled pork sandwich at Rifrullo CafĂ©. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t quite like it; it was too salty. On the other hand, I completely fell in love with these “fairytale sushi rolls” in a Japanese Fusion restaurant in Cambridge known as Thelonious Monkfish — which I find a hilarious name because I know to whom it references. At home, I had a little fun experimenting with some breakfast foods and I settled on homemade breakfast sandwiches for now. We’ll see how it goes. So far, it’s a great hit simply because they’re freezer-friendly.


Meanwhile, in my professional life, new beginnings began to bloom. For one, I was invited to be part of my alma mater’s new student orientation. Of course I said yes, attended, and enjoyed a lovely dinner while talking about my experience as an undergraduate student there. Oh those youngsters…they don’t know half of what they’re getting themselves into. Anyhow, on my side of the fence, I’ve been exploring various career paths in preparation for my departure from my current job. I attended a scientific writing event focusing on pitching ideas to an editor — maybe not the thing for me. There was also a date where I got to sit down and talk to a peer working in a different niche of the same field. We had a lovely chat and it was great to be able to share my passion for plant biology with someone who also understood the uneasiness to proceed into a PhD program. Then, just for fun, I attended an event that called itself “Speed Networking,” hosted by the local chapter of the Association for Women in Sciences. It quite actually quite a fun event!

“Today” I Learned

  • Sterilite under bed storage containers can survive the autoclave.
  • There are rare sapphires in the world that change colour under different lighting. They’re called color-change sapphires. Crazy!


This lovely cupcake ferris wheel — that I now want — my friends and I saw when we wandered into Sweet Bakery late one night.

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